Saturn IV
Rhea Facts
- Rhea is the fourteenth of Saturn's known satellites
and the second largest:
- distance from Saturn: 527,040 km
- diameter: 1530 km
- mass: 2.49e21 kg
- Pronounced "REE a".
- In Greek mythology Rhea was the sister and wife of Cronus (Uranus)
and the mother of Demeter, Hades (Pluto), Hera, Hestia,
Poseidon (Neptune), and Zeus (Jupiter).
- Discovered by Cassini in 1672.
- Though somewhat larger, Rhea is otherwise very similar to
They both have similar compositions,
albedo features
and varied terrain. Both
rotate synchronously
and have dissimilar leading
and trailing hemispheres.
- Rhea is composed primarily of water ice with rock making up less than 1/3 of
its mass.
- On the trailing hemisphere there is a network
of bright swaths on a dark background and few visible craters
(picture 4).
- The leading hemisphere is heavily cratered
and uniformly bright (picture 1, above).
Like Callisto, the craters
lack the high relief features seen on the Moon and
- Rhea's history is probably very similar to Dione's.
- (above) Rhea
65k gif
section of Rhea
74k gif;
82k jpg
Rhea in computer enhanced color
54k jpg
Trailing side
54k gif
Color close up
558k gif
- Rhea, moon of Saturn, beginning of pass
143k gif
- Rhea, moon of Saturn, getting closer
180k gif
- Rhea, moon of Saturn, closer, good detail
225k gif
- Rhea, moon of Saturn, closer, darker image
374k gif
- Rhea, moon of Saturn, closest approach
416k gif
- Rhea, moon of Saturn, receding, good detail
396k gif
- Rhea, moon of Saturn, receding, good detail
317k gif
More about Rhea
Open Issues
- Rhea and Dione seem almost identical yet Rhea is
twice as massive. Why are they so similar?
... Saturn
... Dione
... Rhea
... Titan
Bill Arnett; last updated:
1995 February 27